Grades 4 - 6
Meet Mrs. Sue Hayford
Favorite scripture: "No power in the sky above or in the earthy below-indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." ~Romans 8:39
If I wasn't a teacher I would be: a writer
The best thing about teaching is: watching the look on kids' faces when they "get it."
Favorite food: dark chocolate
Favorite subject: I like them all, but I like history best.
Favorite hobby: wildlife watching, reading, writing, visiting museums
Favorite book: I have about a hundred favorites!
About Our Class
Our class is learning to apply the saying, "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." We are seeing that played out in Bible lessons about ancient Israel and Judah, and the Babylonian captivity. We are also exploring similarities between events in U S history and current events. In addition, we are learning real-life skills through our class town, Sunnyville. Students are learning to run town meetings, hold elections, and participate in a class economy (including taxes).
Our class is also sponsoring a boy in Mauritania through World Vision. We are enjoying learning about a little-known part of Africa as we raise money by paying for the privilege of dressing down on Fridays.